Cash management is always a sensitive point in any business.

A recurring issue in points of sale is the cash reconciliation, both during shift changes and at the end of the day. Losses can occur due to incorrectly processed payments, counterfeit bills, errors in change, small thefts, robberies at the point of sale, or during transfers. This is where a Cash Machine can be a solution for some businesses.

At REVO, we have implemented various cash management machine solutions.

1. Enter the back-office of Revo RETAIL.

2. Go to Configuration / CASH MACHINES.

3. Click on the +New button.

  • Name: Specify a name for the cash machine.

  • IP: Enter the configured IP address of your cash machine.

  • Type: Select the type of cash machine from the list.

4. Click on Save.

You can configure the denominations of change that the cash machine should have.

1. Click on Cash Drawer, where a window will open for you to add the denominations you are interested in:

2. Click on Save.

Once the cash machine is created in the back-office, you just need to assign it to a cash register. You can find more information here.

From this moment on, in the REVO app, when you select the cash icon to close and collect an order, REVO will connect to the cash machine to manage the payment, and once the transaction is completed, REVO will close the order.