All devices in our business that are set up for processing payments must be associated with a cashier. A basic cashier typically consists of a device, a printer, and a cash drawer.
By default, one cashier is always configured in the account. It is possible to configure unlimited cashiers to adapt to our business. To do this:
1. Access the back-office of Revo RETAIL.
2. Go to Configuration / CASHIERS.
3. Click on the +New button.
Fill in the following information:
Name: Enter a name for the cashier.
Printer: Select the printer where invoices will be printed. The printer must be configured beforehand. Learn how to do it here.
Warehouse: Select the warehouse for this cashier.
Cash Machines: Select a cash machine from the list. If you don't have one, leave it blank (--). Previously, configure the Cash Machine.
Counter: Counter for simple invoices. You can select it from the dropdown or create it by clicking on the . More information about counters here.
Delivery Note Counter: Counter for delivery notes. Only documents that are archived or tax codes that allow non-accountable payment methods will use this counter.
Return Counter: Counter for returns. It is optional. If not used, credit notes will use the same counter as simple invoices.
Scale IP Address: Enter the IP address of the scale. If not using a scale, leave it blank.
Scale Port: If using the scale, enter the port.
Connection Length: Some models require configuring this parameter. If not, leave it blank.
4. Click on the Save button.